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  • Finasteride blocks the action of an enzyme called alphareductase. This enzyme changes testosterone to another hormone that causes the prostate to grow. It will increase testosterone levels in the body which decreases prostate size. The effect of finasteride will only last as long as the medicine is taken.
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A review of studies involving finasteride use in women published between January and July concluded that it may improve hair loss in women with female pattern hair loss or frontal fibrosing alopecia. Doses of oral finasteride ranged from . to milligrams per day in females aged to over a duration of six to months.
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Unlike Rogaine Propecia is a medication taken orally in the form of a pill. It is taken once per day. Initially finasteride was FDAapproved in under the name Proscar for the treatment of enlarged prostate. In it was finally approved under the name of Propecia for the treatment of malepattern alopecia.
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